Two-minute pieces on the streets of Noosa Junction – stories of love, hate, relationships, fragmented selves, connections and disconnections motivated by the life experiences of our performers, offering new perspectives on what it means to be oneself and the other in actual and cyberspace. Each scene brought something unique, be it humour, depth, sophistication, repulse, mockery, fear, or a poem – all honest and deeply inspiring.
The chosen format worked as an attempt to rebuild in actual space the experience of being oneself and other in cyberspace. The show was developed as a collaborative creation by the members of D.I.V.E. Theatre Collective and performing artists invited from the community.
Urban Twitters: Disconnected was presented on the streets of Noosa Junction during Anywhere Festival 2019.
Director: Cesar Genaro
Performing Artists: Cesar Genaro, Tanya McCall, Michael Norris
Producer: Priscila Da Cunha
Performing Arts Facilitator: Cesar Genaro
Music: Cesar Genaro, Michael Norris, Bar Graham